
Just Another WordPress Blog

test of pasting

Working with WordPress
Shut off wsywyg editor [optional]
Double-check email to weblog: shut off. Privacy Settings: Disable while working on site Edit sample post
Make comment in neighbor’s blog, Approve Comments
Create a new page
Create new post (my personal cheat sheet)
Link in text
Lists: ul, ol
Upload photos
Try out different options: 500 pixel, 200 pixel, 400 pixel thumb to image, thumb to page.
Create (and delete) a post: Copy all from above post. New post, paste… publish. Then delete post.
Options: Tagline, timezone.
Change Themes.
Install Themes, Plugins
Download from, upload, install new theme.
Cpanel: File Manager: Navigate to plugins directory. Upload, install.
WordPress: Plugins: Activate
Sidebar widget stuff
Links. Edit sidebar links.
Link to one another.
Work on your own.
Backing up the site
Back up database (in WordPress)
Back up the website (in cPanel)
Launching the site
Welcome to Limbo speech.
Change DNS
Instructions for changing the Options page. (done as last step)

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  • the fire within

    This is the fire within. It's cool.